Friday, November 12, 2010

Photo Manipulation And Ethics


A. The story is giving examples of how sometimes photographers go too far when using photo manipulation and can mess up a photo.  One photographer decided to clone over a person in one portrait.  This is a terminal offense at most U.S. daily newspapers. That photographer was later fired and all for an unnecessary change in a photo.  The stories main message is telling photographers to be careful with all editing and manipulating with photos that will be publicly displayed.

B.  I think that this type of photo editing is acceptable but to a certain point.  For example adding another missile to a military launch is unnacceptable, another country could be bothered by it or the military could be brought to attention for supposebly launching more missiles than they really did.  I think it depends on the viewers level of discretion whether or not a photo is unethical or acceptable.


After Manipulation

This could probably and most definantly be the most unethical photo any photographer could manipulate into!  The soldier was originally giving his hand out to the man holding his baby probably telling him to take a seat and it was manipulated into looking as if the soldier was pointing the rifle at the man threatening to shoot him if he did not take a seat.  The manipulation in this photo could cause big issues for the U.S. Military.


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