Thursday, November 11, 2010

Drug Cartels In Mexico

The war against drug cartels in Mexico is indeed a very bad problem, but, i do no think that it would be this bad now had the Mexican Government confronted the problem earlier.  The only reason that any country could become that out of control is because the government didnt address the problem the proper way right when it began to escalate.  "And then another body. And by the end of the day, it was 10. The next day, 10. The next day, 10" says a police officer.  What I am wondering is why instead of just sitting around watching the massacre happen, why doesnt the Government or Police Agencys come up with a way to stop or at least decrease the number of fatalities that are happening on a daily basis on the streets of Juarez.  I personally think that it is the Mexican Governments fault that the cartels wrath has become as bad as it is today.

Of all the photos on the slide show i think that my personal favorite would be the one of the Juarez Police officer wearing a mask and holding a rifle.  I find that if even the police officers are that scared of the cartels that they hide their identities from them to avoid being murdered or kidnapped then the War against the Drug Cartel has already been lost.  The Cartel just about have complete and total control of Juarez.  The photographer got up close but yet still far enough to show the setting of the photo.  The background is out of focus giving a kind of illusion that the Officer is taking up all the space in the picture when in reality what the photographer is trying to do is attract the viewers eyes to the main subject which would be the Police Officer.  He used the photographic technique of Simplicity very well, I had no problem figuring out what the main subject of the photo was and I understood the message the photographer was trying to give out.

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