Friday, March 25, 2011

School Uniforms

  • Mr. Girard
  • Coach Williams
  • Arnulfo Escamilla
  1. Have you ever had to wear a uniform at a school you have attended?
  2. Do you believe that uniforms can help the learning environment?
  3. What are the advantages to wearing uniforms?
  4. What are the DISadvantages to wearing uniforms?
  5. Do you think that uniforms deprive students from being able to freely express themselves?
  6. Would you like to have mandatory uniforms at your school?
  7. What kind of uniform would you recommend?
  8. Do you believe that uniforms will cut down the rate of fights or confrontations between students?
  9. How do you think the economy will be effected if every school in the U.S. has mandatory uniforms?
  10. Will uniforms stop gang activitiy on school campus?
  11. What do you think you will dilsike most about mandatory uniforms?
  12. Do you think uniforms will help students out financialy?
  13. Should teachers have a dress code as well if we are required to?
  14. If the school is making their students wear a dress code should the students be required to buy a uniform up to the schools expectations or should the school provide the uniforms?
  15. How do you think the student body will react to the change?
  16. why do you think the school board made the change?
  17. If you disagree with the unifrom policy how would you try to fight it?
  18. Do you think students resistant to the uniform policy will go as far as starting their own little "Revolution" against the policy?
  19. Should the uniforms be the school colors?
  20. Do you want to have uniforms at your school?

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